One may ask why is it important that we learn how to speak English in our schools? After all we live in a region of non-English speaking countries. Would it not be better perhaps to learn the languages more commonly spoken in our part of the world? In fact the most populous country in the world is China which accounts for more than fifty per cent of the world's population. the Chinese people don't speak English but rather Mandarin or their individual dialects. The answer would be that traditionally the cultures of the world have come to be. broadly classified into two groups the Western and the Eastern cultures. English has come to represent the means of communication in the West. With more and more gateways being opened to Asia it is imperative that one language be adopted to suit our needs. As the people of Asia speak a diverse variety of languages it would appear that English would be the logical choice. In Singapore, English is the National Language in a country with a mixture of races. Singapore is also a focal point for trade with the West in this part of the world. English is taught as a language in our schools to reflect it's importance in our society. If this were not so, there is a good likelihood that in time the strong influence of individual cultures here would result in people only being well versed in their mother tongues. However Singapore being a former British Colony and the present education policy have seen to it that most Singaporeans are bi-lingual, that is able to speak English as well as their mother tongues. Another factor which has promoted the use of English as a medium of communication here in Singapore is the rather significant expatriate community here. The process of globalization is not restricted to trade alone but also covers all aspects of our life. The important thing to remember however is that we should not sacrifice or compromise on our unique cultural identity in order to keep up with the pace of globalization.
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'SHARING IS CARING.' Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean you aren't headed for SUNSHINE.
English : Why it is important to study the language
The dream I never forget
One of the human faculties which distinguishes him from others is that he is able to dream. However, one is not sure whether other animals dream; if at all they dream they have no medium to express it is just as the human. Every human being should have had dreams, some of them very pleasant, some of them bizarre and horrible; in the latter case a few have a hell of a life and they call it the nightmare. In a nightmare one may feel as if he is being choked or being drowned. In a dream one feels all one does in wakeful hours, only the body does not move. Sometimes limbs may be moved and people have been seen to beat down their hands. Some cry and laugh, some shiver and weep. So dream is in a sense a semi-conscious state between sound sleep and wakefulness. It should be interesting to know how dreams are caused but there are no valid theories. One thing is sure that something has been built up in the inner recesser of brains which get active accumulating concomitant interests. Very strange things appear in dreams for which there is no valid explanation. One thing is clear; some nerve center is stimulated, how God only knows, as a result many other nerve centers get into operation bringing in a chain of experiences. Things move fast and clear as on a cine screen and the subject taking part in it. The ancient belief was that some dreams foreshadowed the coming events. How far it is scientific we cannot say. Shakespeare uses dreams in his plays; for example in the play Macbeth. I too dream and had one recently, which may be of interest. I become a ruler of my country. Suddenly I find myself at the head of a procession, to be correct it is a motorcade and I am in a Cadillac. Huge crowds, men and women and children all in their fine dress line the route through which I am taken. There are victory arches and flags and festoons. Photo flashes burst and hundreds of photographers take pictures of mine. At last I enter a massive mansion; the guards present me the honor. I am taken by well dressed courtiers to the throne. The reception hall is big and spacious; there are glittering windows and doors, and colorful chandeliers are hung from high roof. Colored light beams into the hall as sunlight filters itself into the hall thorough stained glass panes. As soon as I sit on the throne, the courtiers cry 'long live the King'. Then a man approaches me; he may be the chief minister. He tells me respectfully that I must announce my concessions to the people who eagerly wait to hear me speak. I am a bit nervous at first but get over it soon. I tell them that the old system of paying one sixth of one's income as tax will come into use. I add that the tax may be paid in kind. I announce that there won't be any admission fee to go into theaters and the Government itself will run all the theaters and only healthy films will be exhibited. At one stroke I abolish child labor and education of children will be completely manned by the Government. I make it known that every town and village will have a play field where the young can play and the old can relax. The production of milk in the country would be stepped up so that everybody gets enough milk. I exhort the youth to develop robust health and sharpen their intelligence. This dream did not continue long as my alarm clock began chiming, and it was time for me to get up and study. The sweet dream vanished like the snow before the morning sun but that was the best dream I ever had.
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The career I would like to choose
I believe that in this day and age when competition is rife among young people to get ahead in life, it is important to get an early start. One should know what one wishes to do with one's life. To this end it is wise to seek advice from one's elders as well as to research the areas of work you might have an interest in, inclination or aptitude for. The idea is to be exposed to as many views as possible. Professional counselling or 'Career Days' may be helpful in this regard. I am fortunate I suppose in that I am reasonably certain what I want to do with my life. I wish to. be a lawyer for I believe it to be a noble and dignified profession. It affords one the opportunity to be of help to others. To a large extent my uncle, who is a lawyer, is responsible for my choice of careers. My uncle has been practising law for the last twenty years and I find him to be knowledgeable in a great many things. My uncle is always fond of saying that a lawyer's trade always involves him having to know about what other people do as well. To put it another way my uncle may be described as a 'Jack of all trades'. Acting on his advice and that of my parents I have decided to work very hard in school so ultimately I will obtain results that are good enough for me to enter the National University. I will have to work hard as places for this course are limited and also much sought after. At the moment however in Singapore there are a rather large number of lawyers and not everyone has a chance to work in the area he or she has trained for. This does not discourage me although it is a source for some concern for my parents. I am planning to take subjects in school that will be suited for my intended course of study in university. Although some may say that it is still much too early for me to narrow my choices or options in this way, I am committed to my goal. Click here to lauch more sample english essays : (source) | |||
Keeping fit
A sick man is a nuisance for himself and a nuisance for others about him. A sick person cannot go about his duties efficiently. He will not be able to work hard and he may not be mentally alert also. If he is regularly sick others will suffer in many ways. Indirectly it is a strain on the government because it will have to run more hospitals for the sick. Economically a nation whose people are often sick cannot be strong because the hours of work will suffer. Look at the Europeans and the Japanese. They are hardy and are capable of longer hours of work, which means more wealth to the nation. That is why even after being beaten in a devastating war Germany and Japan have become rich nations once again within a period of thirty years. Of course climate may be one reason why certain people are not keeping fit. It may be due to hot moist climate, or mosquitoes and other pests. But where man cannot improve upon natural causes he can try to keep himself fit by trying overcome them. For instance by eradicating malaria, one can be healthy in such areas where malaria was once prevalent. Let us now look into the ways of keeping fit. First and foremost is the diet. Unless one takes a proper, balanced and nutritious diet one cannot be healthy. It is said that a large part of the population in the third world suffers from malnutrition which means wrong diet as well as insufficient diet. While this may sound a social problem, it is also an individual problem. One must take care what he eats and how he eats. One must plan to diet in such a way that it is well balanced, meaning it should contain the necessary quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and so on. He must keep his surroundings clean and neat, which is called environmental sanitation. He must be regular in his personal habits like answering calls of nature, bathing and so on. Even one's clothing contributes to keeping fit. Keep fit also means how a man lives, his hours of work, his sleep, rest and relaxation. While everyone has to work to deserve his food, it should not be all work. There must be hours of relaxation. It may be some reading, playing with children, taking a stroll or taking up a healthy hobby. Hobbies play a major role in keeping one fit. The mental attitude also is greatly responsible for keeping fit. One must take to work like a fish to the water. One must be swinging like a wheel in his work. Work can be play and play can be work. So if one were to take to his work cheerfully then no worry about his keeping fit. Laziness, envy and jealously are some of the reasons which make one hate his work, and in the long run he becomes unfit. To keep fit some physical exercise is necessary. This may be according to the age of the person. Some out-door exercises like running, jumping, swimming or climbing are for the hardy youth. Walking and jogging are good for the old. Some fruitful occupation like gardening may give the required physical exercise but also contributes to the mental satisfaction. Above all, to keep fit depends on one's attitude towards life. If one can accept success and defeat equally then one is said to be a fit person. Even choosing company may contribute to keeping fit. Finally it means to avoid bad habits like smoking, drinking, doping and so on. One must be warned against these as they make holes in one's pocket as well ruin one's health. Click here to lauch more sample english essays : (source) |
Precious water
How to make your life successful
What we call life is a very complex affair. It is not simply eating, reproducing and finally dying. Every creature does these. But in the case of man he has to lead a highly complicated life. It is like going through a maze and coming out. He is an economic being and a social animal. He has to earn, make a home, look after his people, attend to his obligations to the society and the Government. So in order to be successful, in all these, he has to develop certain qualities. What do we mean by saying a man is successful? If in his occupation he can do satisfactorily both for himself and others then he is successful. He must be able to look after his people and bring up good children. If he becomes a professional man like an engineer, doctor or lawyer, making money should not be the only criterion; he must also be able to satisfy his clients and be honest at it. In order to be successful one should develop certain qualities. At first he must realize his purpose; in other words what he would like to be. This is the crux of the problem, for the choice does not come to him. Parents decide it very often for them. Let us suppose he decides to be somebody in his life. Once having decided he must work for attaining certain standard in that line. Only hard work would make him fit for the job. It is rightly said that it is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. One must deserve before desiring. One must remember one's education does not stop with the school or college. it is a life long process. Professional people must keep themselves up to date. Then one must get on with others. In the chess board of life one may find himself in any position; it may be the all powerful queen or simply a pawn. It must be remembered that given the chance, even a pawn can destroy a queen. This means in a complex society, everyone finds oneself in a particular position; there may be some above and some below. One need not be favoring and flattering those above and be arrogant with those below. "What can I do for you' is the correct attitude and having done it go about your duty. In getting on with others sweet temperament is really an asset; then only others will like to transact with one. One must not be easily irritable nor give irritants to others. Then one must be reliable. One may be clever but if he is not reliable, he cannot achieve success in a great measure because others will have very little to do with him. Another important quality that would make up for success is doing things then and there. Procrastination is the thief of time. Postponement of doing things means swelling of work for the next day. A small chink may be easily closed today but tomorrow it may be late. If we analyze the life of successful people we could easily see they have been through and never postponed doing things. Still another quality is not to argue. The other may be really wrong. By pointing out that he has been wrong you are not going to improve matters, on the other hand you can help him correct. Arguing not only takes away precious time but also causes irritations. Especially one's superior may not like situation something like this. 'You may be right, sir', or 'This is all right', but 'what about our alternative' and so on. One must be capable of learning from experience. One must be able to learn from the mistakes of others. Only when nations and individuals fail to learn from the past mistakes, they are ruined. History is replete with examples. Click here to lauch more sample english essays : (source) |
Obedience to parents and elders
To be obedient is to obey the orders of one's elders and superiors. There cannot be order unless there is obedience. One has to obey the laws of the country, otherwise the society cannot exist. The laws may be irksome, but, for the overall good of the law one must obey them. For instance, the laws to be obeyed on the road ensures road safety. The laws pertaining to property help society continue without hitches and hindrances. Even in our body our limbs obey the commands of the brains unless they are diseased. Obedience is essential for the enforcement of order. Obedience includes obedience to one's parents and elders. Parents are the best well wishers of their children. From their experience, they know what is good for their children. They would never mean ill for them. For the sake of the well being of the children, parents insist on obedience. Obedient children grow into fine children. They are not only loved by their parents but also by others connected with the household and by the neighbours. When children obey parents they are happy. Circumstances as they may be, parents may set certain norms. Children may not understand their implications, but if they obey, very often they will steer of dangers. For instance, the parent may warn his son of bad company. If the son obeys, he will grow unscathed. The parents may insist on personal cleanliness, keeping things neat and tidy, being regular in studies and so on and so forth. If the boy or girl obeys the parents in such and other things, he or she will surely grow into a finer one. Of course the parents' example may be forceful enough. If the parent shows how he is obedient, the son will naturally be obedient. There cannot be a better story than Casabianca on the deck. The father had asked the boy not to leave the deck until the parent returned. The ship was on fire, the father was dead and other sailors asked Casabianca to leave the deck and escape for life. But the boy would not leave, for father had asked him not to. The fate of the boy could be conceived but Casabianca has become immortal because he obeyed his father. Being obedient to parents and elders will have to be followed in life. An obedient servant is always liked and respected. But for the unquestioning obedience of servants big establishments cannot be run. Unless one knows the value of obedience and has been practising it, suddenly he cannot become obedient. Servants who are obedient are preferred to clever ones. One may argue that blind obedience won't do good. Where one can prove the other is wrong, strict obedience can be waived. This happened sometimes; a junior may have a brilliant idea and without infraction of obedience he may put up his idea in the appropriate manner. Obedience, just like charity must begin at home. Parents have a duty in bringing up children to be obedient and loving. Click here to lauch more sample english essays : (source) |
The pleasures of reading
Animals may have moments of pleasure but only man has got a lot to do with it. It is through our sense organs that we enjoy pleasure. The sense of smell, sight, hearing, touch and taste each brings pleasure. Even the baby as soon as it is born feels the pleasure of sucking and the comfort of being cuddled in the wads of cloth in the mother's lap. But for the pleasing smell we will not be able to enjoy our food. We are thrilled by the sight of ice capped mountains or the roaring water falls of the Niagara. So they are the senses that help us to get pleasure. There is no end to the sources of pleasure. But reading for pleasure belongs to a higher order and stands as a category by itself. While external things bring pleasure to the sense organs, reading brings pleasure to the mind. Greater the mind is cultured, greater will be the derived from reading for reading makes a full man. Reading is the end product of writing. Unless there is something written one cannot read. So good writing is a concomitant of reading. Man alone can write, in other words put his ideas in black and white. In fact even before printing came into being man was writing and it is as old as modern civilization. Man can preserve his thoughts and ideas through writing. Thus the whole world of literature is there far one to read. Now reading material is available for all tastes. A scholar may go through serious writing for the sake of enriching his knowledge. Another may read a magazine or a picture book for whiling away the time. One chooses the reading material according to his moods, his literary background, the time at his disposal and the purpose if any. A teenager may like stories of romance and an old man may prefer books on philosophy and religion. Some gifted with imagination and the faculty to reflect may read poetry. One who takes pleasure in reading always tries to build his library. Very often a good library may serve the purpose. The greatest advantage in reading is when one comes across great minds. Whether you agree with what is there to read or do not agree there will not be any quarrel. You may pronounce your judgement on the writer. There will be no harm if your judgment is silent and not published. Given the proper atmosphere like a good silent place, soft light and comfortable seat, one can read and read and enjoy it. There are great masters of writing in all great languages of the world. English Language abounds in such great authors. Again it may be poetry, novel, fiction, drama, travelogue, and letters. Biographies and autobiographies, form a sizable part. In these days of rush good magazines supply the material for reading. For example, one may cite the Reader's Digest. In order to enjoy reading, one must cultivate that habit. Reading is not the 'be all' and `end all' of life. Yet, it can be ennobling. There is dignity in reading habit. Click here to lauch more sample english essays : (source) |
Computer and their uses
Perhaps the single greatest invention of the century is the computer. The computer is essentially a machine that enables humans to complete tasks that may be time consuming or very repetitive in nature. This it achieves by imitating human thought processes. In much the same way that humans think using pathways in their brains that conduct minute electrical currents, computers too use tiny electrical circuits which tell it what to do. The difference being that computers do this at incredible speeds. In this modern age man has grown to be heavily dependent on computers to carry out all kinds of jobs that were done manually before. In banking for example computers allow for millions of transactions to be carried out involving large sums of money which would otherwise require thousands of bank tellers. Computers do the job in a much shorter time and practically free of any errors. Computers are responsible for air traffic control and the running of trains to ensure that travel is made as smooth as possible. In factories nowadays computers operate mechanical devices that produce goods we require for everyday living, in such quantities that would be otherwise impossible to achieve if these factories were run by humans alone. Perhaps the greatest advancements have been made in the field of communications. All of us are by now familiar with the 'Internet'. The internet is a collection of computer systems and individual terminals linked up worldwide through telephone lines and other channels. It offers a cheaper alternative to communicating with people within a country and internationally through computers. It has also been described as an immense pool of knowledge just waiting for applications it has given rise to a new means for countries to carry on trade with each other through 'E-Commerce'. It must however be kept in mind that as useful as computers are. They are not capable of independent thought and still require human input. In recent times scientists have developed' Artificial Intelligence' in computers that may enable them to function independently of man in the future. Click here to lauch more sample english essays : (source) |
Road Safety
Why think of road safety at all? It is because of the accidents that occur everyday on the road, in which all sorts of vehicles and human beings and even animal are involved. These accidents mean loss of life and loss of property and more often than not obstruction to traffic. In this age of speed and fast moving vehicles and with the congestion on roads, these accidents have became almost an everyday affair. So unless everybody is educated on the importance of road safety, the loss and the sorry spectacles cannot be avoided.
Prevention is better than cure. This holds good even in the matter of road accidents. Accidents are due to many causes and may occur under different circumstances. The simplest but at the same time dangerous perhaps is people slipping down on the road caused by an orange or a banana peel. Without meaning any harm, quite innocently a person may throw away the orange peel or the banana skin on the road or the sidewalk.
When a person, walking briskly, steps on, it he or she will slip down ending in fracture of bones and sometimes even more dangerous than that. So people must take care they do not throw the pealings on the road but should deposit them in a dust-bin. In some countries the offenders are severely punished. The second cause of accident is due to careless crossing in busy roads. While crossing one must look to the right and left for moving vehicles and then cross.
Where there are Zebra crossings on the road for the pedestrians to cross, one should cross along them. One should keep to the margin of the road while walking and the vehicles must keep to their lanes in busy streets.
In the case of accidents involving vehicles there are many causes. One is trying to overtake and very often taking risk. Another is wrong judgment in crossing. Sometimes it may be not caring for the signals. In crowded streets accidents may take place in a snap second because one does not care for the signal. "Stop, look and go" is the best precept; it will save vehicles from accidents. But where one takes a foolish step, the result is the inevitable accident. Jay riding may be another cause. Riding two or three abreast is always dangerous. Especially one must be aware of this. Scooter riders become victims of road accidents. But if they just wear the helmet as required by law they could easily avoid fracture and hence death.
Very often the cause of accidents is the failure of the brake system which means the owner of the vehicle does not bother to keep the machine in good condition. By attending to the vehicle regularly a lot of miseries could be avoided.
Road safety is a matter of education in which the school can play a significant role. Through scouting, Red Cross and social education classes, children can be taught the importance of observing the rules of the road. Children must be taught their limbs and lives are very valuable and they must not take risk, especially when leaving the school. As soon as the bell goes children rush out and accidents do happen. Under the circumstances the teachers must feel it their duty to regulate the traffic near the school. The police can cooperate with the school in this respect.
To make the people road conscious, the mass media can play a useful role. The newspaper, the wall poster and the cinema and now the TV come in handy. Shots in the cinema or TV emphasizing the importance of road safety can be highlighted. There may be speeches over the radio by the police officials. During peak hours in crowded areas, the police may direct the traffic and ask people to keep to their lanes.
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Karangan STPM - Kepentingan kawalan media sosial Internet
Ada cadangan daripada pihak tertentu agar media sosial di negara ini dikawal oleh pihak berkuasa. Sejauh manakah anda bersetuju dengan cadangan di atas? Bincangkan.
Mutakhir ini, Internet dan teknologi maklumat berkembang dengan pesat sehingga menyebabkan pelbagai bentuk media sosial tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan. Hal ini menimbulkan banyak kesan, termasuk yang negatif. Atas sebab itulah, maka ada cadangan agar media tersebut dikawal oleh pihak kerajaan. Saya berpendapat bahawa media tersebut memang wajar dikawal tetapi tidaklah sehingga menghapuskan minat orang ramai untuk menggunakannya. Dengan itu, kata-kata tersebut menjadi mukadimah perbincangan isu ini selanjutnya.
Pada pendapat saya, media sosial harus dikawal oleh pihak berkuasa. Pertama, pengawalan perlu dibuat untuk menyekat penyebaran maklumat palsu atau fitnah oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Sebagai contohnya, negara kita pernah digemparkan dengan satu berita percerian yang berlaku dalam akaun facebook. Hal ini telah mendapat kritikan daripada majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang menyifatkan bahawa perbuatan sedemikian amat memalukan kita kerana telah mencemarkan keluhuran peribadi sebagai penganunt agama Islam. Jika dibiarkan, senario ini boleh menyebabkan menjadi huru-hara sehingga dapat menjejaskan ketenteraman negara. Ringkasnya, kawalan media sosial perlu dilakukan supaya maklumat palsu dan fitnah tidak dapat disebarkan lagi.
Namun demikian, sekatan atau kawalan juga perlu dibuat untuk mengurangkan pemupukan sifat negatif dalam kalangan segelintir pengguna Internet. Ada pengguna Internet yang menjadikan media sosial untuk menunjuk-nunjuk kemewahan dan keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh mereka kepada orang lain. Hal ini dapat menarik perhatian daripada golongan yang berniat untuk melakukan kes jenayah seperti kes penculikan. Golongan tersebut boleh mendapatkan maklumat mangsa melalui media sosial yang telah dipaparkan oleh mereka itu sendiri. Keeadaan ini bukan sahaja akan menyebabkan keselamatan diri terancam tetapi boleh menimbulkan sikap riak dan angkuh yag boleh menyebabkan hubungan yang tidak harmoni antara sesama manusia. Jelaslah bahawa kawalan media sosial harus dilakukan untuk menjamin keamanan masyarakat sejagat.
Pengawalan juga patut dilakukan untuk mengurangkan berlakunya penipuan maya. Kita sering mendengar berita tentang kes mereka yang tertipu sehingga beratus-ratus ribu ringgit hanya disebabkan penipuan oleh pihak tertentu yang mahu mengambil kesempatan daripada kejahilan dan kelalaian pengguna Internet. Amsalnya, pengguna Internet menjalankan perniagaan atas talian melalui aplikasi yang popular untuk menarik pengguna yang kurang berpengetahuan dalam konteks ini dan akhirnya mereka melakukan pelbagai tipu helah untuk memperdaya pengguna kemudiannya mengaut keuntungan daripada mereka. Sememangnya, kita haruslah mengelakkan diri daripada menjalankan urus niaga dengan kaedah yang tidak melengkapi seperti peniaga dan pembeli tidak bertemu secara langsung. Deduksinya, kawalan media sosial amat diperlukan untuk mengurangkan kes penipuan di negara kita.
Walakin begitu, kawalan harus ada batasnya kerana kawalan yang keterlaluan akan menyebabkan perkara yang berikut. Kawalan yang berlebihan boleh menyebabkan kemarahan dan ketidakpuasan hati pengguna Internet. Pada hakikatnya, Internet merupakan satu bentuk kebebasan berhubungan antara sesama manusia. Jika kebebasan itu dikawal, maka erti ‘’Internet’’ yang sebenar sudah terhakis. Mereka mungkin bertindak secara tidak rasional bagi melahirkan ketidakpuasan hati mereka. Hal ini akan mencetuskan ketidaktenteraman akibat pengguna Internet melepaskan perasaan ngeram dan melakukan bantahan secara berkumpulan dalam media sosial. Izharnya, kawalan media sosial patut dilakukan tetapi tidak boleh melepasi had tertentu.
Sementara itu, ruang untuk mereka yang menggunakan Internet, khususnya media sosial secara positif mungkin akan terjejas. Dengan adanya kawalan, pengguna Internet tidak lagi sebebas dahulu, malah sesetengahnya mungkin kehilangan kreativiti dalam pemanfaatan Internet. Bukan itu sahaja, hak mereka untuk berkongsi sesuatu juga akan terjejas. Mereka tidak berpeluang untuk mengarang novel dan berkongsi cerita menarik dalam media sosial. Natijahnya, media sosial kian dipinggirkan dan penggunaannya semakin berkurang di negara kita. Sudah terang lagi bersuluh bahawa kawalan media sosial perlu dijalankan melalui cara yang sesuai supaya hak pengguna Internet terjamin.
Walhasil, ada syurga ada nerak, ada panas ada sejuk, ada siang ada malam, dan begitulah juga media sosial pastinya mempunyai kebaikan dan keburukan. Kebebasan media sosial hanya memerlukan pemantauan daripada pihak berkuasa. Namun, kawalan yang ketat tidak sewajarnya dilakukan. Sebaliknya, penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang sedia ada difikirkan dapat membantu kita mengelakkan perkara-perkara negatif daripada terus tersiar dalam media sosial. Oleh hal yang demikian, semua anak watan Malaysia perlu berfikir matang sebelum melakukan sesuatu terutamanya dalam media sosial kerana sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna.
SPM 中国文学2017年总复习
子犯 请 击 之。
子犯 请求 攻击 秦军。
微 夫 人之力不及 此。
假如没有 那个 人的力量(支持),我是不会到 今天这个地步的。
因 人之力 而敝之,不仁;
失其所 与,不 知;
以 乱易整,不武。
用 混乱相攻代替联合一致,这是不勇武的。
吾其 还 也。”
我们还是 回去吧。”
亦去 之。
(于是晋国)也撤兵离开 郑国了。
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愿 寄食 门下。
说他愿意 在孟尝君家里 当个食客
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孟尝君曰:“客 何 好?”
孟尝君问:“客人 有 什么 爱好?”
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孟尝君又问:“客人/他 有什么 才能?”
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曰:“客无 能也。”
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孟尝君笑而受 之曰:“诺!”
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左右以 君贱之也,食(sì)以草具。
孟尝君身边的随从认为孟尝君看不起冯谖,便拿 粗劣的饭菜给他吃。
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请而见之,谢 曰:
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“文 倦于事,愦于忧,
“我 被琐事搞得疲劳,被忧患弄得心意昏乱,
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而性懧愚,沉于国 家之事,
而我天性懦弱愚笨,埋头 在国事 和家事 之中,
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先生不羞, 不羞:不以为羞
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乃 有意欲 为收责于薛 乎?”
愿意 替(我)去薛邑收债,是吗?
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冯谖说:“我愿意 去收债。”
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于是约车治装, 装:行装
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载券契 而行,辞曰:
载着借契 出发,告辞的时候问(孟尝君):
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“责毕收,以 何 市而反?”
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孟尝君予 五十乘 ,金五百斤,
“齐 放 其大臣孟尝君于诸侯,
“齐国把它的大臣孟尝君 放逐 到诸侯国来,
于是,梁王虚 上位,
冯谖先驱 诫孟尝君曰:
冯谖抢先赶车回齐国 提醒孟尝君说:
齐 其 闻 之矣。”
齐国大概也会听说 梁王重金礼聘孟尝君这件事了。”
于 是张良至军门 见樊哙。
在 这危急的时刻,张良到军营门外 去找樊哙。
樊哙曰:“今日之事 何如?”
樊哙问:“今天的情况 怎么样?”
其意常 在沛公也。”
他的用意 一直 在沛公(身上)啊!/
交戟之卫士欲止不 内。
樊哙 斜着他的盾牌一撞,卫兵(便)跌倒在地,
哙遂入,披帷 西向 立,
樊哙于是闯了进去,揭开帷幕,面向西方 站定,
瞋目 视项王,头发上指,
睁大眼睛 看着项王,头发(好像都)竖立起来,
目眦 尽裂。
整个 眼眶(好像) 都要裂开了。
“沛公之参/骖 乘樊哙者也。”
项王说:“好一位壮士!赏给 他一杯酒。”
则 与 斗卮酒。
(左右)就 递给 (他)一大杯酒。
哙拜谢,起,立而饮 之。
樊哙下拜称谢,(然后)起身,站着把酒 喝了。
则 与一 生彘肩。
(左右)就 给他一条未煮熟的猪前腿。
樊哙覆 其盾于地,
樊哙把自己的盾牌 反扣 在地上,
加 彘肩上,
把猪前腿 放 在盾牌上面,
拔剑切而啖 之。
拔出剑,切猪前腿 吃。
项王说:“壮士!能 再 喝酒吗?”
樊哙曰:“臣 死 且 不避,
樊哙说:“我对死 尚且 不回避,
卮酒安 足辞!
一杯酒哪里 值得(我)推辞!
杀人如不能 举,
杀人像不能够 杀尽 似的,
刑人如恐 不胜,天下皆叛之。
对人用刑好像怕不能 用尽酷刑似的,所以天下人都背叛他。
今 沛公先破秦入咸阳,
现在 沛公首先打败了秦军进入咸阳,
封闭宫室,还 军霸上,
查封关闭了宫室,军队撤退 到灞上,
故 遣将守关者,
特意 派遣将领把守函谷关的原因,
劳苦而功 高 如此,
未有封侯之赏,而听 细说,
欲 诛 有功之人。
想 杀害 有功劳的人。
张良:有勇有谋1 忠心,不离不弃2帮他拉拢项伯3在鸿门宴招来樊哙帮忙4让刘邦逃走,自己留下来谢罪5
夫 百物 朝夕所见者,
每天从早到晚看得见的 各种东西,
人皆不注 视 也,
人们都不会留心/专注地去 看,
及 睹 其 异者,
等到 看见 了那些 不寻常的东西,
则 共 观而言之。
就 一起 观赏并议论它。
夫文 岂 异于是 乎?
写文章 难道 跟这 不一样吗?
独司马相如、太史公、刘向、扬雄 为 之最。
唯独 司马相如、太史公、刘向、扬雄的文章写 得最好。
若 皆与世沉浮,不自 树立,
如果 都跟随世俗随波逐流,不能自我建立一种独特的文章风格,
虽 不为当时所怪,
即使 不被当时的人们责怪,
亦 必 无 后世之传也。
也 必定 不会流传到后世。
若 皆与世沉浮,不自 树立,
如果 都跟随世俗随波逐流,不能自我建立一种独特的文章风格,
虽 不为当时所怪,
即使 不被当时的人们责怪,
亦 必 无 后世之传也。
也 必定 不会流传到后世。
然 其 所珍 爱者,必非常物。
但是那些您所珍惜 喜爱的,必定不是寻常的东西。
夫君子之 于 文,
有品德及才干的人对于 写文章,
岂 异 于是 乎?
难道 跟这 不一样吗?
今 后进之 为 文,
现在 的年轻人 写 文章,
能深探而力取 之,
能够深入探索,努力汲取 文章的精髓,
以古圣贤人 为 法者,
把古代圣人贤人 作为 学习的榜样,
虽未必 皆 是;
虽然 不一定 (人人)都做得 恰当,
要若 有 司马相如、太史公、刘向、扬雄 之徒 出,
如果 出现像司马相如、太史公、刘向、扬雄 这一类的人物,
必自 于此,
必定是 出自 在这样做的人里面,
不自于循 常之徒也。
若圣人之道,不用文则 已,
如果圣人的道理,不需用文章来阐明就 罢了,
用则必 尚 其 能者。
(如果)需用文章来阐明道理,就必定重视 他的写作能力。
能者非他,能 自 树立,
这种写作能力不是指别的,而是指能够提出 自己的 独到见解,
然 其 存于今者,
但是 那些 保存流传到现在的文章,
必其 能者也。
必定是那些 能够提出独到见解的人写的。
顾常 以 此为说 耳。
我只是常常 把 这个写作的道理告诉别人 罢了!
而 乘 物 以 逞,
却依靠 外物 来 逞强,
或 依势 以 干 非 其 类,
或者 依仗势力 来 冒犯 与他 不是同类的人,
出 技 以 怒 强,
使出 本事 来 激怒 强大的对手,
窃 时 以肆暴,
趁机 放肆地做坏事,
然 卒 迨于祸。
但 终于 遭到灾祸。
似 其事,作《三戒》。
(我觉得有些人)和它们的情况 相像,(所以)写了(这篇)《三戒》。
8.练习:《三戒》作者柳宗元写序的作用:文章纲领1,点出主题2,说明写作动机3,不知推己之本呼应情况4, 临江之麋忘记自己是麋鹿5,被野狗吃掉6, 黔之驴凭小本领惹怒强敌7, 被老虎吃掉8,永某氏之鼠趁屋主纵容而胡作非为9,被新屋主消灭10.
于 土墙凹凸 处,
我又常 在 土墙凹凸不平的地方,
常蹲 其 身,使与台齐;
把草丛看作是 / 当作是 树林,
以 土砾 凸者为丘,
把凸起的 碎石 看作是山丘,
神游 其 中,
(我便) 想象在 这些微观景物 里面 游历,
观 之 正浓,
正在兴致浓厚地看着 这一场相斗 时,
盖 一癞虾蟆也,
原来 是一只癞虾蟆,
舌一吐而 二虫尽为所吞。
它的舌头一伸,两个小虫 就 全被它吞进肚去。
余 年幼,方出神,
我 年纪小,正专心地看(那两只小虫),
不觉 呀然惊恐。神定,捉虾蟆,
不禁 吃惊地叫了起来。定了定神,捉住这只癞虾蟆,
鞭 数 十,驱 之 别院。……
鞭打了 几 十下,把 它 赶 去别的院子。
10. 《琵琶记·五娘吃糠》作者如何用糠和米设喻表现赵五娘和丈夫的状况?页258
11. 赵五娘如何为吃糠辩护?《友联文选》页258试题范例第2题
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14.骆宾王虽品行高洁却陷身囹圄(监狱)。他如何通过咏蝉寄托郁愤?试以原诗为例, 加以阐述之。
·西陆蝉声唱⑺,南冠客思深⑻。首两句用起兴手法(1)以秋蝉的鸣声勾起狱中诗人思乡的愁绪。(1)·不堪玄鬓影⑼,来对白头吟⑽。蝉的鸣声凄清和自己不堪忍受的凄恻之情,将蝉和自己联系在一起(1)。蝉的“玄鬓”和诗人的“白头”对比鲜明,触动诗人对老大无成的悲叹(1)。诗人用“白头吟”的典故来表明自己对朝廷一片忠心却被捕入狱的悲愤(1)·露重飞难进⑾,风多响易沉⑿。蝉本来可凭双翼振翅奋飞,由于秋天露水太重打湿了双翼难以前进(1);蝉本来可凭身居树巅使鸣声远扬,却由于风太大被淹没了声音。(1)“露重”、“风多”比喻政治环境险恶,/“飞难进”比喻行动受限制,“响易沉”比喻言论受限制(1)这两句表面上是写蝉的困境,实际上是写诗人有冤难伸、遭谗言入狱的悲愤心情。(1)·无人信高洁⒀,谁为表予心⒁ 蝉的高洁无人相信就像诗人不被了解,无人替他申诉冤屈的郁郁不平(1)
15. 李白如何通过《把酒问月》探求人生哲理及其对宇宙充满遐想。
16. 你如何诠释《望岳》中每一个“望”的意思。
22. 作者以爱因斯坦和劳伦斯为例说明了什么观念?《钓胜于鱼》
页277爱因斯坦:举世闻名1,却要求和物理系刚毕业的学生一样的5千薪俸1, 醉心追求知识1, 心志放在研究1, 无法再生名利观念1
劳伦斯:刚发明原子冲击器时1,有人说若申请专利,比瓦特更发财1, 他笑说有申请的功夫,还不如多冲击几种原子1,面对厚禄巨利1,也觉谈如云烟1.
21. 试阐述《孔乙己》里“我”的形象及其对孔乙己的态度。

2. 《哑了的三角琴》展现了三种矛盾。试论述之。
母亲活泼好动,到监狱采集民歌,对犯人不曾厌弃鄙视,反而温言柔语,耐心,持之以恒,被拉狄焦夫的歌声和故事感动,向典狱求情,替拉狄焦夫难过,给他钱,对拉狄焦夫的承诺念念不忘,一直保存三角琴, 遗憾。
3. 试简述《痴女阿莲》的主题思想。
答案:页110阿莲母亲是一个固持华人传统的妇女。(1)在民风保守的马盖瀑布村,没有人将自己的女儿留到二十五六岁还不许配给人家(1),所以阿莲母亲无时无刻对阿莲的婚事感到操心 ,(1 )一心一意要为她找个对象嫁出去(1)。当白定带两个朋友回家吃饭时,阿莲母亲看到阿炳老实可靠,不断设法撮合他们,(1)还特意让她打扮,送咖啡到瀑布给他们。(1) 页30-31阿莲的母亲是个重男轻女的传统妇女(1)。小儿子白定在杂货批发行做买卖,每次回家还要向母亲伸手要钱,母亲便把二儿子白杨给的家用全都给了白定。(1)她认为大男人家在外头没个头寸未免太不是话了,(1)赔这点儿不碍眼的钱总比长久地养一个丢人现眼的阿莲划算。(1) 或页112阿莲爱学着孕妇走路,母亲看不过眼,用鸡掸子猛抽她的肚皮,(1)她向老天爷申诉娘要打掉她的孩子让母亲以为她真的怀孕了(1),经检查后发现只是肚皮肥胖,阿莲仍一本正经地说要为白家填个白胖的男孙,(1)让母亲对其固执与不懂事白了头发。(1)
6. 《卖白菜》通过作者的童年刻画了当时社会的冷漠。试举例阐述之。(主题思想)
1. 杨梦痴虽靠祖宗财产虚度一生,试论述之。页124
2. 杨三太太是个旧思想的女性。试写出你的评价。页126
3. 姚小虎是典型的“二世祖”。试举例阐述之。页124
4. 《憩园》里有许多凭财富作威作福的人。试举例申述之。
5. 姚家仆人赵青云是个怎样的年轻人?试举例说明之。答案:页129
赵青云对主人姚国栋还是很尊重,也忠于职守(1),管理花园严厉尽责,不喜欢别人跑进花园里。(1)由于姚国栋曾经吩咐不要放杨寒儿进公馆来,怕他把小虎教坏,(1)所以赵青云一碰到杨寒儿溜进花园折花,便要和他吵嘴,嚷着要把他赶走。(1) 赵青云年轻气盛,脾气火爆,(1)对于跋扈的姚小虎,他并没有低头服顺。(1)他敢和小虎以粗口相骂,(1)所以欺软怕硬的小虎也奈何不了他。(1)无论如何,他本性淳厚,(1)尽管讨厌小虎,得知小虎发生意外时,难免紧张起来,满头大汗,声音颤抖地把坏消息转告主人。(1)
6. “我要重新改变我的看法,我要好好的利用我的时间去多写一些东西”
7.页131 为什么姚国栋没有像杨梦痴一样染上诸般恶习?
9. .“怎么你今天不赶我走,你在玩什么把戏?”