
Analysis Trial Exam SPM BI Paper 1 CW 2016

Trial exam 2016

1. Describe a character you went with on a journey.
2. Write a story about someone who was lost in a city.
Begin your story with: ‘It was a long and tiring walk and the road signs looked unfamiliar…’
3. A special morning
4. Failure is your best teacher. Describe how this was true for you.

1. Describe what makes you angry and explain why.
2. Reading novels is a waste of time. Do you agree?
3. Why do we need friends in our life?
4. Write a story about someone who had gone through hardship and later became successful in life, ending with: ‘…he thanked God for the success.’
5. ‘Home sweet home.’ Describe your home and why it is precious to you.

Negeri Sembilan
1. Describe a school event which you had participated in.
2. The newspaper is still relevant in this digital age. Do you agree?
3. Why is having good friends important?
4. Write a story about Aimee’s camping trip beginning with: ‘Aimee woke up with anticipation…’
5. ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth.’ Describe an incident when this happened to you.

1.Describe a festive celebration and how you felt about it.
2. Technology has benefitted mankind. Discuss.
3. What challenges do teenagers face today?
4. Write a story about someone who has a very positive attitude. End your story with: ‘… after all the hardship he went through, he became successful in the end.’
5. ‘Home is where the heart is.’ Describe how this is true for you.

1. My dream job.
2. Good academic achievement is important for students. Discuss.
3. Development is the cause of global warming. Do you agree?
4. Write a story about your friend who never gives up. End your story with:  …and I said, ‘I am proud of you.’
5. ‘Actions speak louder than words.’
Describe an experience when this was true for you.
Describe an event that you have taken part in and explain how you felt about it.
2. Failure is the first step towards success. Do you agree?
3. Why is online shopping getting more popular? 4. Write a story about somebody who felt thankful to his sibling for showing him how to act right.
End your story with: ‘That was the most meaningful lesson he had ever learnt in his life.’
5. ‘Beauty is only skin-deep.’
Describe an experience showing that look is not as important as having good character
Describe your unforgettable holiday and explain why.
2. Money cannot buy happiness. How far do you agree?
3. Why is watching television important
4. Write a story about a competition that you never thought you would win.
End your story with: ‘I never thought it would happen, but I won!’
5. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’.
Describe how you achieved something      through persistent hard work.
After school questions (2015)
1. Describe the first time you went to a night market.
2. Facebook has more advantages than disadvantages. Do you agree?
3. My dream vacation
4. Write a story beginning with: ‘I never imagined that things would turn out this way…’
5. Happiness  

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