
MUET essay based on topics

1. Benefit of sports

Intro : Engaging in sports does not only boost our health but also helps widen our social circle and forms the basis of employment too.

Widen sosial circle - tolerance, encouragement, friendship

Boost health - physical (test of stamina, strategy, fitter physique, games) , mental (sound mindedness, awareness, increased alertness, disciplined) , emotional (confident, moral support) , spiritual (brotherhood)

Employment - success, teamwork

2. Impact of technology on human lives

Intro : Modernisation, brought about by technology, has very muct impacted our work life, activities and human relations.

Work -  attitude, speed, presentable display, helpline, stored in CPU, layouts

Human relations - communication ( superiors, colleagues, friends, loved ones, business partners- local & foreign)

Activities - exploring new hobbies, banking errands, surfing the internet- information & employment opportunities, online submissions- assignments/projects

3. Reading habits among young Malaysians

Intro : Reading habits among young Malaysians can be developed if the attractions to read are stronger than the distractions around us.

- Influence (family & teachers)
- Education (learning environment, employment, industrial training, institution)
- Interest (cultural differences)

- Technology (computer, internet, mobile phones- social media & websites)
- Friends (activities, attitude, intention, challenges)

4. Protecting the environment

Intro : Among other reasons for protecting the environment are for aesthetics, safety, as well as to reduce environmental hazards.

- Environmental (tragedies- landslides, damage of property, casualities/deaths)
- Safety (wildfire attacks)
- Future generation ( appreciation of wildfire, career- income)
- Aesthetic (tourism)

- Campaigns (create awareness)
- Education (changed mindset)
- Agent of change (community & society)

5. The pursuit of tertiary education

Intro : Generally, the pursuit of higher education is based on a few notable reasons such as the influence of those who are close to us, for knowledge and career prospects.

Knowledge (maturity, future, personal satisfaction)

Influence (peers, siblings, parents/guardian)

Career prospects ( locally- childhood dream, employment, survival) (overseas- adventure, better incentives)

Financial aid (parents, private organisations, loan)

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