
Advertisement : True or Misleading

Advertisement is one of the human institutions highly developed nowadays. To some extent nature itself advertises her ware; for instance, he color and smell of flowers is nothing but advertisement to attract the attention of insects and birds and the promise of honey is the gift.

Advertisement is one of the media to draw the attention of the public and to inform them regarding a particular product. This may be called the psychology of persuasion and a way of converting people to a way of life or thinking. For example, a new drink may be introduced. It is not enough if the product is good but the public must be made to realize its existence. So the manufacturer adopts subtle ways of advertising. There must be appeal to visual and aural senses. Since advertisement has become very important and its methods are many, it has been professionalized and it is a trade today. In fact advertising agencies do good business. Since they employ specialists like artists and script writers, the advertiser can have expert service at a price.

There are hundreds of ways of advertising. Generally they may have visual, audio and audiovisual appeal. Leaflets and brochures are produced colorfully describing a product. Free samples are lavishly given. Even for established products they give free samples now and then so that new customers may be found for the product. Calendars are quite common and from very plain ones to pictorials are there. Some of the calendars are really so fine that they are being preserved. So calendar manufacturing during the season is a big business and there are people who hunt after calendars.

Perhaps one of the most popular media of advertisement is the newspaper. Since newspaper reaches a very wider public, advertisement in the paper is a common feature. Some products are being advertised throughout the year and advertisements are the major source of income for the newspaper.

Here the pictures and the script play a very important part.
Nowadays small gifts like key chains, purses, table ware and so on are used to advertise various products.
An advertisement cannot be useless. After it ahs achieved its purpose the general public may think it is useless. when an advertiser uses a lot of paper for printing his advertisement, the common man may question the wisdom behind it. If you go on throwing some mud on the wall, some is sure to stick; so too with the advertisement. the advertisement acts as a middleman in the trade bringing the prospective buyer and the product man nearer. with the complexity of the market and with dozens of products competing, advertisement is one of the ways of winning the market.

Of course there are advertisements which are really misleading. Some medicines that are advertised claim to be panacea for all bodily ills. But very few could claim that honor. Some of the consumer products are not of that quality as claimed by the advertisement. take for instance, some tooth pastes. They claim to give all protection to the teeth but they prove the other way. In America this subtle way of persuading the public has been questioned when a number of products advertised could not stand the test of proof.

We can conclude in spite of its limitations, advertisement is an institution that has come to stay.

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